With flamework by Ayako Tani and neon by Bryn Reeves (UNeon) | Poems by Gerry Loose | 14 December 2021 – 13th March 2022

As the world went silent in lockdown March 2020, something else happened; for the first time, many people became more aware of the spring sound of the birds around us.
This exhibition of six circular neon birdsong pieces foregrounds the value of our acoustic environment. The form of each piece has been drawn from Geoff Sample’s sonograms of each bird (Wren; Great Tit; Spotted Flycatcher; Mistle Thrush; Goldcrest and Nuthatch).

The exhibition is accompanied by six newly commissioned poems (Preludes: six birds six airs borrowed / six airs six birds returned) by Scottish contemporary poet, Gerry Loose. As Gerry says, quoting from Chilean poet Pablo Neruda:
How is the translation of their languages arranged with the birds
Gerry Loose