Earth Stars – 2020 (First Edition)
A series of twelve signed digital prints in an edition of five.

Dawn Chorus: Four Vignettes – 2020
Four separate paintings (acrylic on MDF)

Dawn Chorus: Transitional Narratives; 3.30am – 5.30am – 2018
This set of twelve digital prints signed and printed by Charrington Editions.
It was initially inspired by listening to a dawn chorus in Northumberland, from before dark to the opening out of the day, in May. Together their songs are represented variously as digitally manipulated sonograms and musical transcriptions.

The Song of Wren 2017
The circular text in this work is an onomatopoeic representation of the Wren’s complex song.

The Burring Dor Hawk (2018)
Produced in collaboration with Geoff Sample and EYELEVEL Creative
Unison pastel, manipulated sonogram and digital print on paper.